T Talent
A Healthy and Happy Workplace

System of Highly Competitive Salary and Benefits

Nanshan Life's overall salary positioning is based on the principle that salaries are above the median of the financial insurance industry, and it keeps track of market trends and maintains strategic flexibility for key personnel to ensure a competitive edge for talent.
According to the 2022 Willis Towers Watson financial industry employee benefits survey analysis report, most of Nan San Life’s benefit measures are superior to the P50 of the financial industry. Nan Shan Life leads the industry in employee group insurance coverage.
Year 2022 Nan Shan Life Salary Levels
Note 1: The average regular salary and total regular salary plus non-regular salary are compared between Nan Shan Life/Nan Shan General Insurance and the insurance industry information published by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan.
Note 2: The average monthly salaries of entry-leve employees are internally compared by Nan Shan Life/Nan Shan General Insurance.
Note 3: Nan San Life/Nan San General Insurance pays annual performance bonuses based on the company's operating performance and departmental/individual performance.
Note 4: The starting salaries of new college graduates are the same regardless of gender.
Note 5: Full-time employees refers to employees who are not in managerial positions who have been employed for 6 months in the current year.

Comprehensive Employee Benefits

Nan Shan is committed to establishing a happiness workplace. In addition to comply with labor insurance & national health insurance and pension plans as stipulated in the Labor Standards Act, Nan Shan applies core insurance capabilities to provide full time employees comprehensive employee group insurance benefits, so employees may enjoy security and focus on their career development.
Employee Care and Healthcare
Other Employee Benefit
Note 1: Applicable only to Nan Shan Life Employees
Note 2: Applicable only to Nan Shan Life Employees
Note 3: Nan Shan General Insurance provides funds according to the revenue of the Benefits Committee instead of a fixed

Care for the Health and Safety of Employees

Nan Shan Life cares about the overall physical, mental, and spiritual health of employees. We firmly believe that only happy employees can pass on the power of happiness to policyholders. Therefore, through humane perspectives, we have built a happy workplace with comprehensive mechanisms for care.

To effectively prevent the occurrence of occupational injuries and promote the safety and health of employees, Nan Shan Life has formulated an Occupational Safety and Health Management Program based on business risks and the nature of operations for the entire office workforce. In addition, based on the program, the company carries out educational training, workplace inspections, and other measures. In the future, the plan is to include non-employees whose job or workplace is under the management of our organization.

Nan Shan Life has established an Occupational Safety and Health Committee, which is responsible for reviewing, coordinating, and recommending safety and health promotion matters related to employees, which are publicized after submitting to the general manager for approval. Each year, the Occupational Safety and Health Committee members also perform hazard identification and risk assessment for office operations and other risk-prone operations, and continue to make improvements.

In 2022, 23 occupational safety and health educational training sessions (including fire drills) were held with 3,925 participants. In addition, inspections were conducted in 382 workplaces (including spaces utilized by non-employee workers), with a 100% inspection rate. In addition, a second inspection was conducted in units with higher risks, to verify the improvements. Of the 259 items of recommended improvements, 100% were implemented.

Comprehensive Epidemic Prevention Measures Ensuring Employee Safety

To ensure employee health and continuous operations in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the presidents of Nan Shan Life and Nan Shan General Insurance have been serving as the chief of the epidemic prevention taskforces to coordinate business operations and promote various epidemic prevention measures. We have formulated the “Epidemic Prevention Manual for Severe Infectious Diseases” to specify measures to be taken by each department during an epidemic in accordance with the three major goals of “ensuring employee safety, providing uninterrupted service to customers, and maintaining sustainable corporate operations”. These include:
  1. Enhance the cleaning and disinfection operations of the office building environment, and ensure adequate epidemic prevention resources. (Surgical masks, alcohol, infrared thermometer, etc.)
  2. Depending on the epidemic severity, activate remote backup mechanisms, especially for operations that cannot be interrupted. Arrange for key business operational staff to be working from distributed offices. Furthermore, physical contact between employees of different office buildings is prohibited.
  3. In response to governmental policies, employees undergoing home-isolation or quarantine are provided with “paid epidemic quarantine leave”, which provide more than the minimum as required by law. In 2022, a total of 217 employees filed relevant applications totaling 6,460 hours.
  4. In accordance with the government's epidemic prevention recommendations, visitors are required to sign a "health declaration" and cooperate with measures such as taking body temperature, alcohol disinfection, and wearing a mask.

Pandemic Prevention Measures Exceeding the Regulation Requirements

Become full of vitality with health promotions

To enhance the physical, mental, and spiritual health of employees, Nan Shan has been planning abundant and diverse health promotion mechanisms and activities annually, to convey the work hard and LOHAS mindset to employees, helping them to cultivate an exercise habit and pay attention to their own health.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Nan Shan Life has set up a “Spiritual Meeting Room” Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) in collaboration with the Hsinchu Lifeline Association, a professional psychological counseling group. Employees are provided with a 24-hour 0800 toll free hotline and employee counselling service to help relieve work-related or other types of pressure and stress. In addition to assisting employees with management of emotional issues, the Company also assists employees resolve other life issues (such as legal, parent child relations, workplace communication, personal taxation, etc.) through the comprehensive support system of the consulting unit, covering all service locations in Taiwan and hundreds of professional consultants.

In addition, we invited experts from various sectors to provide online healthcare seminars, to actively promote EAP related services and take care of the health of employees. Since 2016, 360 employees have utilized the EAP service, with 309 participating in the “Healthcare Series Lectures”, which scored a consulting service satisfaction rate of 6.0 (out of 6).

Active Listening for Reviews and Improvements

To listen and respond to employees, Nan Shan established diverse communication channels for employees to provide feedback, make recommendations, and file complaints. The entire process and response is handled confidentially, with an atmosphere of respect, equality, and open communication, to enhance employees’ identification and loyalty with the company. In 2022, Nan Shan Life received a total of 22 cases of questions from employees, and 100% responded to the submissions.